Saturday, October 3, 2009

Internet scams

The Internet is awash with money making scams. The general rule I always follow is that if it sounds too good to be true then it probably is.

The most common ones involving websites involve turnkey websites or sometimes sold as niche websites. Before you invest any money in an online business you should always do some research.

Basic Research
What I always do myself is.

To search Google and Yahoo for the company and any related information looking for good/bad reports.

Ask myself some questions -

If I knew about this would I tell everyone about it?
How do they make money from this?
How do they benefit by telling me?
If it is really so easy why aren't they doing it themselves.
Visit and search their database

Wait a few weeks before making any decision.

Make sure I can cancel at any time.

Make sure I am not committing to anything long term.

If I have any doubt I leave it alone.

Final Thought

If you discovered a Goose that could lay Golden eggs would you tell everyone about it? If the goose had little geese that could do the same would you sell them?

On that vain the other day I came across a company offering turnkey websites guaranteed to make over $1000 per month if not 10 times my money back. The ad said they were already up online and making that money.

My investment was something like $100 per month. A real no brainer my profit $900 per month! ---Easy Money!

Seriously if you had a website earning $1000 per month would you sell it for $100 per month.

You can make money on the Internet but you will have to work at it. No one is going to give or sell you an Internet money machine- they are going to keep it for themselves!

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