Saturday, October 3, 2009

Is traffic important?

Why is it traffic so important...

Well duh!! Traffic is everything if you are making money with your website.. no traffic no money..

So how this is going to be done?

What is traffic?
Traffic means number of people visiting your website..
The higer the traffic is, the higher the possibility that the person would click your google ads are high. WOW!!! KA-CHING!

There are two types of way to increase your traffic.. first is using man power.. second is using will power..

Man Power
It doesn't mean you really uses "man" power... haha.. This kind of way/method to incrase traffic is to by involving money($$$), and it also actually means you pay people to help you to get your website become more popular. It is the fastest and most effective at the moment...

Some company like google adwords, they offer website owners their services. They help the website owners to advertise their websites.. in return owners have to pay them back ofcourse..

And that is when google adsense exist! (Learn how to earn money with google adsense.) Now, google giving another website owner(us) another opportunity. They are paying us for helping google to advertise the websites that are being asked to advertise through google network ...
Conclusion, those who are adsense user - we work with google company. We help google to advertise, meaning we are helping the original website owner to advertise. And ofcourse, the advertisement will be done through our own website(like mine). We get money for helping!

Confusing huh?? Keep reading.. its getting more interesting!

So the amount money you get depends on how many people click on your ads from google. For example:- my google ads gives me cash if you click it.. But do remember, dont click your own ads, thats violating rules!(Read here about how to get better clicks) That is why traffic is so important!

Will Power
It means you get your own traffic on your own.. !@#$%^&*
I know I know!.. its not that easy at all...
But I'll help you out..
You can always use search engine like Google - "get more traffic for free". Before you do, continue read first!

There is some company offers free traffic..
Such as blog rush it really increases the traffic...
But blog rush has its own rules...

BlogRush Quality Guidelines & Criteria (READ ALL)

- The blog contains unique, quality content that provides opinions, insights, and/or recommended resources that provide value to readers of the blog. Articles, videos, public domain works, press releases, and content written by others are okay to be used on the blog, but the ratio of unique content should far outweigh content from other sources.

- The blog should be updated on a regular basis (at least several times a month) and should not just go a few months between posts.

- The blog should already contain at least 10-12 quality posts. New blogs with very little content will not be accepted.

- The blog's primary contain must be in English. BlogRush is currently not available for non-English blogs.

- The blog should not contain an excessive amount of advertising and links and very little actual content. The focus of the blog should be quality content.

- The primary content of the blog should not be "scraped" content from other sources and/or script

-generated pages for the sole purpose of search engine rank manipulation. The focus of the blog should be quality content.

- The blog's content (or advertising) should not contain any of the following types of content: hate, anti-racial, terrorism, drug-related, hacking, phishing, fraud, pornographic, nudity, warez, gambling, copyright infringement, obscene or disgusting material of any kind, or anything considered illegal.

- BlogRush reserves the right to determine if any blog is suitable for its network or not.

Other than blog rush, you can try telling and intro the site/blog to your friends and family.. so that your friends and family would help you advertise.. is this man power??
I dont think so.. this is charity fund raising.. LOL.. Joking..

You do it by yourself... and its totally free... by telling your friends and family, they "might" accidently mentioned about your site when they are having conversation with their other friends... now that's totally free, and really hard to get! LOL

Well, blog rush is free.. but hard to get approve unless you have quality post!

I have recently found another new blog site by a pro blog user, named Jaren...
He is offering people like you to get more traffic.. How?
Read his post here - Link Me and You Get 5 Links in Return

Well, there are lots more way to do so.. I'm still thinking... I will update this post soon when I found new way to do so! Thanks for reading...

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