Saturday, October 3, 2009

Turnkey website

Turnkey websites are in fact ready made Websites . With a turnkey website you not only get the website layout but also the content and usually also affiliate programs plugged in! All you need to do is sit back and collect the cash?

Turnkey Websites - Pros and Cons

So what are turnkey websites are they a get rich quick scheme trick? Well I think mainly yes.

Do they have good points?- They certainly do and when used appropriately could be very useful. Most appear to come from one of two angles-

Offer the punter a get rich quick scheme at a high price. It fails they win.
Or as an extension of an affiliate program where the seller has a product that, although it may be in demand, has high competition and looks for ways of making it easy for people to sell the product.
The second form has merit and is worthy of consideration. They are in fact just moving the affiliate process a little further on. However; remember what all good affiliate programs have in common ! - they are free to join.

Paid Turnkey Websites

So you pay for a turnkey website from Company X - it costs $300 per year and it promotes products from company X. You don't know what you are doing you fail !- Who wins? ---Company X

OK same scenario but it's a success who wins?-- both of you. It costs company X nothing in either case and they make money in either case. They have really no incentive to help you succeed as they make money anyway.

Free Turnkey Websites

You get a free turnkey website from Company X - it costs nothing and it promotes products from company X. You don't know what you are doing you fail !- Who wins? ---No one

OK same scenario but it's a success who wins?-- both of you. It costs Neither you nor company X in either case and both only make money if you succeed. They now have a real incentive to help you succeed or they make no money!

This is in effect an affiliate program and so should be treated as such. If you are going to get into turnkey websites then this is the group I would recommend to start.

Turnkey Website Success Rates

Despite what the ad says not all turnkey websites make money. In fact in writing this article I was unable to find anyone offering turnkey websites who quoted a success rate for their customers.

Now that isn't really hard to do. They now how many webmasters took out a package and they know how much they earned in a year and they know how many stayed in business and how long.

Now if you were selling a turnkey business were 80 out of 100 people who purchased it stayed in business and made $x would you not boast a little in your promotion.

As someone who once did jury service told me -It's not what the defence lawyer says as what he doesn't say that is important. If he says M'laud the defendant is of good character and has never been in trouble before then -its true. If he fails to mention it then----

This may all sound that I'm trying to disparage turnkey websites- I'm not. I just want to warn you to proceed with extreme caution in this area . I personally would categorise turnkey websites with the business opportunity market where the same advice holds true.

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